Résultats trouvés 16
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Filtres: Mot-clé is Geriatric Assessment [Réinitialiser les filtres]
CARE frailty e-health scale: Association with incident adverse health outcomes and comparison with the Cardiovascular Health Study frailty scale in the NuAge cohort.. Maturitas. 162:37-43.
2022. Effects of malnutrition on mortality in oldest-old inpatients with COVID-19 in the GERIA-COVID cohort.. Maturitas. 161:40-43.
2022. Functional status in older patients with lung cancer: an observational cohort study.. Support Care Cancer. 30(5):3817-3827.
2022. HoSAGE: sarcopenia in older patient with intermediate / high-risk prostate cancer, prevalence and incidence after androgen deprivation therapy: study protocol for a cohort trial.. BMC Cancer. 22(1):78.
2022. [Rethinking the management of elderly cancer patients : Proposals from the Age Cancer Priorities French Group].. Bull Cancer. 109(6):714-721.
2022. Impact of care pathway for nursing home residents treated for cancer: ONCO-EHPAD study.. Support Care Cancer. 29(7):3933-3942.
2021. Older Patients Treated for Lung and Thoracic Cancers: Unplanned Hospitalizations and Overall Survival.. Clin Lung Cancer. 22(3):e405-e414.
2021. Quality of life and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in older adults receiving Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) using a single fraction of Multi-Catheter Interstitial High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy (MIB). The SiFEBI phase I/II trial.. J Geriatr Oncol. 12(7):1085-1091.
2021. Use and impact of the G8 score in older patients with thoracic and lung cancers.. Eur Geriatr Med. 12(5):1095-1100.
2021. European Academy for medicine of ageing session participants' report on malnutrition assessment and diagnostic methods; an international survey.. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 35:75-80.
2020. High Serum Vitamin B12 Levels Associated with C-Reactive Protein in Older Patients with Cancer.. Oncologist. 25(12):e1980-e1989.
2020. Medication Reconciliation Associated with Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients with Cancer: ChimioAge Study.. Clin Interv Aging. 15:1587-1598.
2020. Preoperative simplified geriatric assessment in planned hip and knee arthroplasty.. Eur Geriatr Med. 11(4):623-633.
2020. Functional status in a geriatric oncology setting: A review.. J Geriatr Oncol. 10(6):884-894.
2019. Impact of geriatric assessment for the therapeutic decision-making of breast cancer: results of a French survey. AFSOS and SOFOG collaborative work.. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 168(2):433-441.
2018. Predicting early death in older adults with cancer.. Eur J Cancer. 100:65-74.