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Couderc A-L, Berbis J, Delalande G, Mugnier B, Courcier A, Bourriquen M, Rey D, Greillier L, Baciuchka M, Sudour P et al..  2021.  Impact of care pathway for nursing home residents treated for cancer: ONCO-EHPAD study.. Support Care Cancer. 29(7):3933-3942.
Couderc A-L, Ninove L, Nouguerède E, Rey D, Rebroin M, Daumas A, Tomasini P, Greillier L, Salas S, Duffaud F et al..  2022.  Acceptance, efficacy, and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in older patients with cancer.. J Geriatr Oncol. 13(6):850-855.
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Couderc A-L, Boisseranc C, Rey D, Nouguerède E, Greillier L, Barlesi F, Duffaud F, Deville J-L, Honoré S, Villani P et al..  2020.  Medication Reconciliation Associated with Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients with Cancer: ChimioAge Study.. Clin Interv Aging. 15:1587-1598.
Couderc A-L, Puchades E, Villani P, Arcani R, Farnault L, Daumas A, Courcier A, Greillier L, Barlesi F, Duffaud F et al..  2020.  High Serum Vitamin B12 Levels Associated with C-Reactive Protein in Older Patients with Cancer.. Oncologist. 25(12):e1980-e1989.
Caillet P, Liuu E, Simon ARaynaud, Bonnefoy M, GuÉrin O, Berrut G, Lesourd B, Jeandel C, Ferry M, Rolland Y et al..  2017.  Association between cachexia, chemotherapy and outcomes in older cancer patients: A systematic review.. Clin Nutr. 36(6):1473-1482.